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Karen Lankisch, PhD, RHIA, MHI, CHDA, CPC, CEHRS, CPPM

Karen Lankisch


Karen Lankisch, PhD, RHIA, MHI, CHDA, CPC, CEHRS, CPPM, is director of the Health Information Systems Technology Program at the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Kankisch has been working in higher education for over 25 years and has over 10 years' experience working in a variety of healthcare settings. She also has experience developing online courses and programs. Dr. Lankisch is a Quality Matters Master Peer Reviewer and an APPQMR face-to-face and online workshop facilitator. She has served on the panel of reviewer for CAHIIM since 2016. Dr. Kankischhas received several university awards for the use of technology and mentoring. She is a University of Cincinnati Academy of Fellows of Teaching and Learning member and she has co-authored two textbooks. Her educational research interests are emerging technology, online course design, and constructivist approaches to adult education. In healthcare, her areas of interests are EHR systems, healthcare analytics, and quality of healthcare.